The Story of Bodhisattva Neverest

Elder Chen is remembered for her great virtue and compassion. She was a modern day bodhisattva who guided us on religion, education, and philanthropy.
She said with kindness: "We must be grateful to God's grace for saving all sentient beings, to our Patriarch and Matriarch for Tao propagation, and to our Senior Elder for his missionary efforts."
Elder Chen, Hongzhen was born in Tianjin, China in the year 1923. She returned to Heaven on January 6th, 2008 at the age of 85. The night before her birth, her mother and grandma both dreamed of the Goddess of Compassion (Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara) delivered an angel to their home. Her birth was accompanies by a strong blizzard, and her family thought she was a gift from the bodhisattva.
She was an intelligent child and loved to hear stories about the saints and sages. She exemplified virtues such as filial piety, loyalty, and kindness. She received Tao as a teenager, and already saw beyond the mundanity of the worldly life. She eagerly learned about Tao, bringing Tao others, and vowed to be vegetarian. She also helped her parents establish a temple at home and vowed to follow the path of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.
In 1947, Elder Chen went to Taiwan with other missionaries selected by the Tao leadership in Tianjin. However, she fell ill after half a year and returned home. On the journey back, the boat she took suddenly sailed into a frightening storm. She thought it could have been related to her unfulfilled vow. She prayed to Heaven for forgiveness and vowed to return to Taiwan. Lo and behold, the sea returned to calmness shortly after. She rested and recovered, then in the following year, she went to Taiwan again with Senior Elder Han, St. Clearwater. In 1949, Taiwan was severed from mainland China due to the KMT losing the civil war and fleeing to the island. Little did Elder Chen know that she would have said good bye to her family for the last time at such a young age. After that point on, the Tao community was her family.
Tao propagation was extremely difficult at first. She could not speak the local dialect and Mandarin was not commonly understood by the locals. The Taiwanese government was also suspicious of any groups from China and outlawed private gatherings. Tao propagation could not have taken place without divine intervention. There were many miracles of people being healed after receiving Tao, even from typically irreversible disabilities. News spread far and wide, and people lined up to receive Tao. Tao eventually spread to all of Taiwan, and then internationally to Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and to the rest of the world.
In addition to Tao propagation, Elder Chen also devoted much effort to public education and charities. She created various foundations that provide scholarships and operate foster homes. She encouraged youngsters to study classic Chinese literature and emphasized the importance of filial piety. Her contribution to the society was widely recognized by the Taiwanese government, which presented her numerous awards. She lived a holy life, devoting herself to the Tao community and all sentient beings. She fulfilled her duty to propagate Tao on behalf of our Patriarch and Matriarch. After she returned to Heaven in 2008, she was beatified by Heaven as Bodhisattva Neverest. Her spirit continues to lead the Fa-Yi Chong-De Tao community.