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We are a team of dedicated volunteers in the era of Bai Yang (White Sun); committed to bringing spiritual growth and nurturing health and wellness, as well as being a cradle of fostering and passing down traditional Chinese culture, to society at large.

​Introduction to Fa-Yi Chong-De

The World Yi-Guan Dao Fa-Yi Chong-De Association has been present in Canada
since 1994. Yi-Guan Dao has been propagated in more than 80 countries worldwide. Our association became a registered Canadian nonprofit organization in 2000 with our temple opening to the public at its current location in 2005. Over the years, we have been promoting Yi-Guan Dao‘s values by hosting classes, including Children‘
s Sutra Chanting, vegetarian cooking and religious scripture studies. In addition, we host semi-monthly prayers, youth summer camps, sutra recital exams and various festive events. We also have a long history of partnering with different chapters overseas in the field of international disaster relief and building of schools through our fundraising efforts.

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